There are prescribed rules and regulations for the construction of schools. The Secondary Education Commission opines:

“Provision is made in such schools to see that there is free circulation of air, proper light, shelter from monsoons weather and it is also laid down that the rooms constructed should have a certain minimum area to accommodate a certain number of school children in a class.” The Com­mission again emphasizes to pay attention to the report of the School Building Committee appointed by the Central Advisory Board at Educa­tion in 1941.

This is a comprehensive report with valuable suggestions regarding the school building and their equipment. The Commission says, “We believe that every classroom should provide for an area of not less than 10 sq. ft. per student.

The minimum number of students in a class-room should be 30 and the maximum number should not exceed 40. The school building must provide for, “(1) certain amenities for the students such as common room, sanitary conveniences.


Provision for mid-day meals and refreshments to be taken and in the case of girl students retiring room with necessary conveniences separately; (2) accommodation for teachers with a common room available for them; (3) a reading room and a library; (4) a visitors’ room where parents or relations who wish to interview the Headmaster may wait; (5) a room for the Headmaster and an office room and a room for the Assistant Headmaster, should such a person be appointed; (6) Laboratories and workshops where necessary. Such laboratories and workshops being constructed on an approved plan and for a definite number of students.