The pharmaceutical sciences are developing rapidly all over the world. The responsibility of the pharmacist towards through proper utilization of this scientific knowledge in the proper use of modern medicine, is also gradually improving.

The pharmacist has to perform dual role:

(a) Counseling and educating the patient

(b) Monitoring of drug levels and also providing relevant information to the physicians.


Patient counseling is defined as providing medication information to the patients or their representatives orally or in written form for proper use of medicament. Following precaution are essential to take while counseling the patient.:

i) Use language that the patient understands.

ii) Use appropriate counseling aids such as diagram, photos, pictures, videos, computer etc., to easily understand by the patient.

iii) Present facts and concepts in simple words and in logical order.


iv) Use open ended questions.

Patient counseling consists of mainly three stages :

1. Introduction

2. Satisfaction of patient and family person curiosity


3. Technical part and revision.

1. Introduction

(a) Introduce your self and discuss purpose of counseling

(b) History taking of the patient – present and past history of patient and family person also if required


(c) Review the patient’s record and familiar with the patient

(d) Obtain drug related information

(e) Assess the patients understanding of the reasons for therapy

(f) Assess any actual and / or potential concerns or problems of importance to the patient.


2. Technical part

(i) The medicine’s generic and brand name and how it helps the patient.

(ii) How to take – with or without milk, before or after meal and breakfast etc.

(iii) How long it takes to begin working and duration of therapy


(iv) How long it will be necessary to take the medicine

(v) What to do if you missed to take dose

(vi) Restrictions on activities while taking the medicine

(vii)When to seek help if they are problems

(viii) How long to wait before reporting no change in symptoms

(ix) The cost of the medicine

(x) How to have your prescription refilled, if necessary

3. Technical part and revision

(i) How to remove the drug from the package

(ii) How to administer such as ENT preparations, rectal/vaginal products

(iii) Importance of medication for his well being.

(iv) Side effect medications

(v) Drug interactions (Drug-Drug, Drug-Food) and adverse reactions

(vi) Storage condition of dosage forms

(vii) Precaution taken during the treatment

(viii) Supply medication reminder chart

(ix) Necessity to complete the course.