Biosphere/ecosphere is the living mantle or biologically inhabited part of earth (soil, water and air from depth of oceans to tops of mountains) alongwith its abiotic physico-chemical compound. Biosphere extends to some 22.5 km. Life is most abundant at the interfaces of sea, air and earth. Foundation/maintenance of life is based on (i) Flow of energy (ii) Circulation of nutrients or biogeochemical cycles.

Subdivisions of Biosphere:

Biosphere consists three interacting subdivisions, viz., atmosphere, lithosphere and hydrosphere.

(i) Atmosphere:


It is the transparent gaseous mantle surrounding the earth which extends to several kilometers and in differentiated into troposphere (10- 18 km), stratosphere (18-50 km), mesosphere (50-85 km), thermosphere (85-500 km) and exosphere (500 km to about 1600 km). Troposphere shows lowering of temperature with height (15°C to – 55CC), cloud formation and manifestation of weather conditions. Dust particles are restricted to its lower part.

Stratosphere contains an ozonosphere or ozone layer (for filtering ultraviolet rays) at a height of about 25 km. Ozone (O2) is produced by action of ultraviolet and other high energy radiations on oxygen, resulting in splitting and interaction of oxygen molecules (3O2 -> 2O3). Ionosphere is a region of thermo­sphere which is protective and radioreflective.

(ii) Lithosphere:

It is outer solid crust of earth. The exposed part or soil supports terrestrial life. It possesses minerals, moisture and organic matter.


(iii) Hydrosphere:

Hydrosphere is liquid mantle of earth. It is differentiated into fresh water sea water. Both air and water are essential for supporting life.

Closed and Open System:

Earth is an open system of energy. It is continuously receiving solar energy. A fraction of it is trapped by autotrophs. Rest is emitted back as heat waves. Earth is closed system for materials, neither receiving (except for occasional meteorites) nor giving out anyway.


There is recycling of materials/matter between biotic and abiotic components of biosphere. Energy flows through the biosphere to consumers, consumers to consumers organisms to microbes, as also dissipating as heat.