Every science has certain basic concepts. Thus is true of sociology and also Rural Sociology. These concepts are used in study and analysis of various problems that from the subject matter of sociology. These basic concepts are enumerated below:-

1) Rural Society 2) Rural community 3) Little community 4) Group society or fraction group 5) Folk culture 6) Folk society or community 7) Familism 8) Case structure 9) Dominant caste 10) Jajamani system 11)Rural Leadership.

In the interest of the proper study of Rural Sociology, it is necessary that a detailed study of these basic concepts should be made. Attempts in this direction are being made in the following passengers.

1) Rural Society:

Man in influenced by his total environment Rural and Urban society and life have their on characteristics and qualities. These characteristics and qualities are based on certain important facts and they influence the life of the people in the rural and urban areas. The characteristics of the Rural Society in India are based on the following;


1) Similar atmosphere and environment 2) Basic occupation.3) Size of community 4) Density of the population 5) Similarity and difference in population 6) Social mobility 7) Social stratification 8) Organisation of inter-related social activities and actions 9) Social unity.

Characteristics of the Rural Society:

We have just now seen the students of the Rural Society it is these standards that determinate the characteristics of the Rural Society which may be studied under the following heads:-

1) Too much nearness to nature 2) Agriculture is the main occupation 3) Small size of the society 4) Less density of population 5) Similarity and dissimilarity in the population 6) Similarity and Dissimilarity in the Population 7) Traditional social stratification 8) Social international 9) Social unity

Let us take them up one by one and discuss them in detail:-


i) Too much nearness to nature:

We all know that the Rural Society is more or less an unpolluted society. It is nearer to nature and does not suffer from the artificialities that are to be found in the urban society. Rural Society is full of the elements of nature and is also influenced by the philosophy of nature, trees, plants, animals and birds from part of the rural life. In fact all these, things make the rural life very attractive. That is why Rural Society is said to be set in the background of the nature.

ii) Agriculture being man occupation:

In Rural Society people mainly live on agriculture Rural Society and agriculture are more or less synonyms. The entire economic structure of the Rural Society is based on agriculture. Due to agriculture, people have different values and different norms, because agriculture society has a different type of culture.


iii) Small size of the Society:

Urban society is very large and complicated one. As compared to it, Rural Society is quite small in size and simple on structure. Because of this small size inter communication is possible. This changes the whole pattern of the urban way of life.

iv) Less density of population:

In rural areas the population is quite sparse. Because of the lesser number of people in the rural areas, greater relationship between the people is possible. This changes the whole pattern of the social structure in the rural areas.


v) Similarity and dissimilarity of the population:

Rural Society has mutually contradictory characteristics of similarity and dissimilarity in population. Most of the people are agriculture and therefore there is good deal of similarity in the people living in the rural areas. On the other hand people of different castes and also belonging to different cultural patterns live there and because of this there is as good deal of dissimilarity. In spite of this dissimilarity in the groups of people living, there is no complexity in the structure of the society.

VI) Lack of Social mobility:

People living in rural areas are not socially mobile. Generally they do not move form one social status of another and also do not change there occupation. Because of the lack of social mobility the speed of social change in the Rural Society is very slow.


Vii) Traditional Social Stratification:

In Rural Society, there is the traditional social stratification, based on the Caste System. Those who belong, while those belonging to the lower caste are considering lower.

viii) Social inter-action:

In Rural Society, the process of social inter-action is not at all organised. In spite of the lack of social inter-action, there is a good deal of nearness amongst the people living in Rural Society. Social activities like co-operation, conflict interference etc. is very much to be found in the Rural Society. It means that on one hand people living in the rural areas are very near to one another and on the other they are also opposed to one another.


ix) Social Unity:

In Rural Society, the element of unity is present in every aspect. The basis of unity is not formal but informal people living in rural areas have common objects, common experiences and sometimes common characteristics, and because of these common factors they live in unity.

2) Rural Community:-

Rural Society is like a big family. In fact rural community is nothing but a large family. It does no mean that they have the blood –relationships. In spite of lack of blood relationship there is an element of homogeneity and nearness. They live in co-operation and try to distribute their own resources in the interest of others. This is more to be found in India than on other counties. Rural community in India has the following characteristics:-

a) Agriculture is the stable Occupation:

Most of the people belonging formal community, live on agriculture. They do not use modern means of implements. Apart from it they depend more on fate than anything else.

b) Lack of density of Population:

In rural community there is lack of density of population. There is difference on the basis of religion; caste etc. because of these factors rural community becomes a group of heterogeneous people.

c) Social Stratification:

In rural community, there is the traditional social stratification in the form of Caste System. People belonging to different castes have different types of social statuses. There is division of labour and because of jajmani system every caste is connected with the other.

d) Co-operation and Conflict:

In Indian Rural Community both the characteristics of co-operation and conflict are to be found village people celebrate different festivals together but they also fight on very petty issues of ownership of land, irrigation water etc. the litigation is said to be a very important position of the rural people and represents the elements of conflict.

e) Ruralisation:

It is an important aspect of the Indian Society. It only means that the society is very much concerned with rural characteristics. In rural community this elements of ruralisation is very much present.

3) Little community:

The community which has a small size is known as ‘Little Community’. It has all the characteristics of community life, except the size. In most of the villages of India there are little communities. Following characteristics help us to have better idea of the little community.

i) Special position and status ii) Smallness or small size iii) Uniformity and similarity iv) Self dependence and reliance.

i) Special Position and Status:

Little community has a special status in the sense in the sense that is beginning and the end is very clear. Apart from it life in the little community is different from other communities. Its characteristics are sharper and more remarked. Signs of community feeling and collective consciousness are very much to be found there. Because of these characteristics it acquires a special status.

ii) Smallness or Small Size:

Since the little community has a little size, all the members know is another. They have stronger bond of relationship and are helpful to one another. Really speaking little community is a unit in its own. It means that it is more or less complete and self contained. The characteristic of a little community shall be clearer when we discuss another characteristic of self-reliance.

iii) Uniformity and Similarity:

Little community has the characteristic of similarity and uniformity. It means that the activities of most of the members of the little community are smaller. There needs and wants are also more or less similar. They are a classed group and are not prepared to accept changes. Form generation to generation they continue to follow the same pattern and way of life.

iv) Self –dependence and Reliance:

The members of the little community are also to fulfill their needs by themselves. It means that they are a self-dependent self-reliant and self contained group. They do not have any such thing or necessary of want which cannot be fulfilled within that community. As a result of industrialisation and urbanisation the institution of little community is becoming more or less extinct. Their characteristics of self-dependence are also fading away. Many members of the little community go over to towns to earn there love hood and so their characteristics of self –dependence is more or less lost.

4) Group Society or faction Group:

Rural Society or the society of the villages has a special feature of faction group or group society. These groups and factions which are mostly based on caste have a special feature. Apart from these characteristics sometimes these groups are formed on the basis of age, family etc. Certain families joint together and form a faction group or group society.

Similarity certain people who belong to the same age group, join together. Apart from it, group is also formed on the basis of common interests. Because of this, it has been seen that sometimes members of the same family are divided into various groups and factors. In fact common interest the desire for security, needs and requirements, feeding a mutual co-operations etc are responsible for the formation of the factions and groups which have special characteristics of the Rural Society.

Sometimes, ‘ego’ rested interest or instincts of demonstration are also responsible for formation of such groups. Jealousy and ordinary common funds are also sometimes responsible for formation of groups is factions. All these things show that groups and factions are very common in the Rural Society, and they are special features of the Rural Society.

5) Fold Culture:

Folk culture is an important aspect of the human culture. It is a living thing which not only influences the society but also inspires and guides it. It consists of so many things including folk dances, songs, tales proverbs etc. Many of the festivals are nothing but part of our folk culture. India is basically a rural country with predominant of agriculture and so the folk culture of India is predominantly based and influenced by agriculture.

Agriculturists are very conservative are they are not prepared to bring about an accept charges in their way of life and so folk culture of India has not changed as rapidly as it has change in other advanced and industrially developed countries. With industries changing. Influence of western education scientific and technological development and change has also changed scientific and technological development and change has also changed Indian Folk Culture. But the fact remains that a folk culture is the part of village society, and rural life. This is true of India as well.

6) For Society or Community:

That society or community which is very much influenced by the folk life is called folk community or society. It has stronger bound of community feeling. Because of this community feeling there is greater cultural unity. In this context it has to be kept on mind that folk community or society is a part of human society or human life. It has all the characteristics of the human society, or the society in general to which it belongs.

7) Familism:

This special term denotes special importance of the institution of family. In a society in which the collective interests or interest of several persons is given greater importance as compared to the personality of the individual society is said to have the characteristics of familism.

In Indian Society, particularly the village and the Rural Society there is a greater element of familism in Indian village society great stress is laid on the fulfillment of the family obligations and responsibilities and the society also gives greater importance to the collective interests than the interests of the individuals.

In Indian Society, particularly the Rural Society, it is the family that forms the basis of political and economic structure. Family responsibility is the most important aspect of man’s life. The person is painless to discharge his obligations towards his family; he is not given a place of respect. This is truer of village life then city life. That is why familism is considered to be an importance characteristics and aspect of rural life.

8) Caste Structure:

Caste structure is an important aspect of Rural Society and for proper study of Rural Society. It is necessary that the caste structure should be studied. It is not only an important feature of Rural Society and rural life. Caste is the institution which influences and guides live of the individual member of the society.

Rules and regulations that have framed by the caste are followed by the members of the Rural Society without any bitcher hesitation. Caste system is sometimes religion oriented. But it is not true of every society and of every aspect of life. In one stratification particularly in the village structure of the caste, even today influences the life of the individual.

9) Dominant Caste:

In every village and in every place there is a caste which is most numerous because of its numerical majority or overwhelming number this caste becomes dominant. This dominant caste occupies an important place in the rural life, influences their political and economic activities of that area. In stage and it influences various aspect of life. The Caste System in very strong in the village.

10) Jajamani System:

This is a typical feature of the rural and village society. In fact it is an occupation of a faction. Certain person, who belong to a particular caste fulfill the needs of members of other castes and communities. Same is true of other persons who belong to certain caste who make the member of other castes and communities they are Jajamans is not confined to individual system but to families.

Sometimes member of a particulars family, have their Jajamans throughout the whole village. In other words, it means that all the residents of a village. In other words, it means that all the residents of a village are the Jajamans of a particular family. In fact this Jajaman on economic interest and fulfillment to needs and requirements.

11) Rural Leadership:

Every society has certain members who lead and guide it. Leadership is determined by various factors depending on the nature of the society or the group. In village of Rural Society certainly persons lead it. Normally it is the members of the upper class or the upper caste who are treated as the leaders of the Rural Society or village society. Normally, like other types of societies there are two types of leaders and the Rural Society as well (i) Formal leaders (ii) Informal leaders.

The Basic concepts of Rural Sociology need detailed discussion and attempt to this effect has been made in different chapters it relevant phases here attempt has been made to bring to light the basic concepts of Rural Sociology that form the real subject matter of this growing branch of knowledge which attempts to study the Rural Society in a scientific manner.