Cleanliness in the home and that of each indiviadual is closely associated with good health. Dust disfavours fresh air, clean place and sunlight. Germs breed in dust, dirt disease and dampness. Living organisms, i.e., bacteria and viruses grow in dirty places and spread deseases. It is important to remove dirtd household waste not only for good health but also for general appearance.

For recyclicng, separate materials like paper, cardboard and metal and others from the garbage for reuse or reprocessing into marketable or useful material.

Adavantage of Recycling of Waste

1. Recycling conserves natural resources, such as timber, water, mineral ores, from domestic and imported sources.


2. Recycling prevents pollution caused by manufacturing from not yet used or exploited resources.

3. Recycling saves energy.

4. Recycling reduces the need for land filling and incineration and helps avoid pollution produced by these technologies.

5. Recycling helps protect and expand manufacturing jobs.


6. Recycling gives a sense of community involvement and responsibility.


Waste means material is that is not wanted or is not useful.



Garbage is domestic rubbish or waste, .thing worhtless.

The wastes have been classified into seven groups depending on their origin.

(a) Agriculture Waste:

Non-edible seeds, groundnut waste, molasses, tobacco waste, rice husk, saw dust, cocnut shells, cocnut waste, cocnut husk, cahsew waste, coffee waste, rubber waste, jute waste, cotton waste etc.


(b) Animal Waste:

Frog waste, fisheries waste, cattle shed waste, slaughter house waste, etc.

(c) Aquatic Waste:

Algae and died aquatic animals, aquatic weeds.


(d) Fruit and Vegetable Waste:

Peels of fruits and vegetables waste from canning industry.

(e) Community Waste:

Night Soil, fertizer, sewage, cattle dung, and urine.


(f) Industrial Waste:

Mica, Paper and fly ash water from many steel industries etc.

(g) Building Material Waste:

Briken Bricks, discarded sand gravels wooden pices, saw-dust, broken glass, stone pieces etc are some of the waste material from building construction.


It is breaking down of waste materials into smaller parts eventually into individual molecules. Except industrial and building is given below: Material waste, all other can be utilized for generation of electricity or manure by adopting biodegradation process.