Morals are a set of principles for right and wrong conduct, Moral education is all about showing a human being what kind of behaviour and conduct is best for him as well as the society. Morals are not just about etiquettes or behaviour. They present the character of a person. They show all the weak and strong sides of his character.

Mahatma Gandhi has provided a unique example of this himself. It confessed in his autobiography that when his father was dying, he was having sex with his wife. This shows a weak character but the fact that he had the moral courage to accept it is a reflection of how many morals the man picked up during his life. As George Herbert said, “dare to be true, nothing can need a lie.” However, truth comes from people with morals only. Lies can come from anyone.

We all pick up morals throughout our life; it is the education that moulds them into our character. Nobody is born with moral content in him- It is inculcated in him by his education and experience of life.

Moral education is the inculcation of values within a human being, are the set of guidelines that a human being learns to follow. Values replicate in one’s deeds and morality replicates in one’s values. Every event in our life gives us a moral lesson. We learn to live the way we do by picking up these lessons. Proper education makes one aware of the kind of morals he needs to pick from his experiences.


What is moral education? It can be anything which teaches a person moral values and virtue. It might be in the form of subjects, discussions or religious teaching. The curriculum at the junior level includes some subjects about moral values but they are not enough. Unless a child knows is he being taught there is going to be hardly any effect on him. This therefore needs discussion and extensive courses.

Morality is religion in practice. Religion propagates virtue and is mortality in principle. Virtue is moral goodness in human beings. Thus, it is imperative that they are intertwined in each other. Mahatma Gandhi was himself not happy with the present education system as it was conceived. He was not happy at the absence of religious education in the curriculum, and through the times this has been further ignored. Whatever has been done has been carried out in a wayward manner. There is hardly any area of focus.

However, it is not that easy to introduce religious education, country of religious and cultural pluralism as ours, it is going to be tough. Choosing a religion for teaching is difficult enough. A lack morals and tolerance has created strata of the society that threaten peaceful coexistence. Moral education can cure this anomaly also but will take time. Until then, our objective has to be attained by planning courses that tell about all religions and display similarities between them. It is fact that all religions have a common message, but someone needs to tell this to the people.

Where does this lack of moral education take us? It does affect society in many ways. Civilizations rise and fall on morals. Better morals in the people, greater cohesiveness in the society. A society degrades when people start losing morality.


The initial effects are felt among students who fail to come to terms with morals because they are not aware of any. The first thing that c to the mind is the increasingly bad behaviour of students. Hooliganism on the rise evens the educational institutions. A great crime rate is the younger populace is indicative of the kind of education they are getting or missing. The frequent outbursts of defiance against the pa authority and lack of respect for elders is all inductive of weak character. There is no such thing as generation gap, but there veneration gap, which means a lack of respect for the other’s person’s way of thinking. Such a morality is also due to lack of proper virtues’

Our society is also sparing no effort to halt a person’s moral educations. It is easy to see that the prominent people of the society are also ca of atrocious behaviour. One of the saddest sites of loss of dignity was Uttar Pradesh and Bihar Assembly. The MLAs of the State legislature often abuse and assault each other openly.

When the role models of the society present such a sorry picture then the morals of the society are under serious threat. Examples sort are abundant. Actions of some people to get hold of power, horse-trading and deals are made by sacrificing the morals.

Social evils like corruption, bribery and crimes all find their in lack of moral education. Corruption is being accepted as part society and corrupt people are no longer taboo. If such a state of continues, very soon we will find ourselves in a highly immoral uncivilized society. This kind of society can never be happy. No power can bring material happiness but that is not forever. They are very misery also. Morals, on the other hand, are no burden person’s mind. They do not affect his conscience as deceit morals bring peace to one’s inner self and that is more than any of wealth.