Arguments for :

College and University Education has become a force be­cause the students prepare only for their examinations without bother­ing about the improvement of their knowledge. As a result of it, edu­cation has become meaningless ; very few students take to intellectual activities after university education. In order to make education meaningful admissions in the colleges and the Universities should be restricted.

If the number of students in the Universities and colleges is very large, it is difficult to cater to their needs properly. The smaller the number of the students, the better will be the standard of education. If we want to improve the standard of education, admissions in the colleges and the universities should be restricted.

University education is meant for specialization in certain branches of knowledge. So a student who develops interest in some branch of knowledge should pursue university education. If the number of students increases, the Government will have to spend a huge amount of money in starting new colleges and setting up new universities but the real purpose of education will not be realized. This very money can be utilized for the welfare of the people.


Arguments against :

1. In a developing country like India, education should be accessible to every one, because till we improve the level of our thinking, it is not possible to improve the standard of living and living conditions in the country.

2. Education is absolutely necessary for the proper working of democracy. Uneducated voters may bring unwanted people in power and they may commit many acts of omissions and commis­sions. So by restricting admissions in colleges and the universities we will be doing harm to the Institution of democracy.

3. It is wrong to assume that a student who has not fared well up to the school level would not be able to do well at the University. There are many instances in the history of the world which show that the third rate students had been the great scholars and scientists in their later life. All the students should be given an opportunity to join the University so that they may be able to bring out their hidden talents properly.