Everybody feels suffocated. The heat is oppressive and unbearable. Not a leaf stirs. Everybody feels restless People look to the leaden sky for a welcome shower of rain. Dust storms are frequent.

One June evening, it was sweltering hot. It was 6 p.m. and we were playing a hockey match. We were busy with the game. We heard cries, “a dust storm, a dust storm.” We looked at the sky and saw some yellow and murky clouds on the western horizon.

They grew bigger and bigger. Soon the whole sky was overcast with clouds. There was a lull in the wind. An oppressive hush reigned everywhere. The sun was completely hidden. It grew dark. The long day was wearing out.

Soon a gale began to blow. Clouds of dust and sand rose to the sky. The storm burst upon us in all its fury. We were all enveloped with dust. The wind blew so terribly that we could not even stand. We were carried off our feet. Our eyes were full of dust and we could see nothing. Tin sheets and thatched roofs were blown away.


The whole atmosphere was full of dust and sand. A curtain of dust was drawn over the whole town. And traffic came to a standstill. Trees and telegraph poles were uprooted. Electric wires were damaged. Telephone connections were cut off. There was a breakdown in the supply of electricity. There was confusion everywhere. Branches of trees were snapping and falling. The doors and windows banged and rattled. There was a thick coating of dust over everything.

After two hours raging in all its fury, the storm subsided and gradually it completely blew over. The howling and hissing of the wind was followed by the thundering and rumbling of clouds. At first there was a gentle drizzle.

It was soon followed by a sharp shower. The dust settled down. The leaves were washed clean. They looked fresh and green. There was a fall in the temperature. The weather became delightfully cool and pleasant. The heat wave was replaced by a cool breeze. A rainbow appeared in the sky. All heaved a sigh of relief.

A dust storm has its advantages also. It is beneficial for human health. Deadly disease germs in the atmosphere are scattered far and wide.