12 important sources of Information on Hunas’ Invasion of India. It refers to the Hunas’ invasion of India during the reign of Skandagupta.

1. Bhitari Inscription:

It refers to the Hunas’ invasion of India during the reign of Skandagupta.

2. Junagarh Inscription:


It also refers to the defeat of the Hunas by Skandagupta.

3. Chandragarh Pariprachha:

This Buddha text refers to the king Mahendra Sena who had defeated Yavanas and Hunas. Perhaps Mahendra Sena was Kumaragupta-I and Skandagupta was his son.

4. Song Yun’s Account:


Song-Yun Chinese ambassador also refers to the attack of Hunas on Gandhara in the reign of Skandagupta.

5. Chandra Vyakarna:

In this book there is a reference of “Ajayata Gupto Human” who was perhaps Skandagupta.

6. Katha Saritasagar:


It refers to the defeat of the Mlechhas by Vikramaditya, the son of Mahendraditya. The former is identified with Skandagupta while the latter is identified with Kumaragupta-I.

7. Kavalaya Mala:

We come to know through this book that Tormana was the master of the entire world and he used to live on the back of river Chennai.

8. Rajtarangam:


This book was written by Kalhana, who in it refers to Tormana and Mihirkula.

9. Hieun Tsang:

The Chinese traveler refers to Mihirkula’s rule in India. Mihirkula defeated Baladitya but after some time he was himself defeated by Baladitya and sent to imprisonment.

10. Kura Inscription:


This inscription relates that a king known as Yashodharman had defeated Mihirkula.

11. Gwalior Inscription:

This inscription indicates that Tormana was the follower of Shiv religion.

12. Coins:


The description of Gwalior inscription is confirmed by the silver coins of Mihirkula. There is a figure of Nandi on his coins that shows Mihirkula was a Shaiva.