Special child means the students who have special needs. Teacher should try to fulfill their special needs so that they could not think themselves unfit in he class.

Here we shall discuss role of the teacher to bring these special children at level with normal child separately according to their needs:

1. Role of teacher for the special child of physical impairment:

Teacher hold make arrangement of suitable seating system in classroom for them, he seating arrangement should be such that it allows independent movement f the students.


Teacher should ensure that they get adequate opportunities to anticipate in physical and recreational activities in the class and school. If see type of special child have difficulty in writing. He/She may be provided tar time for it.

2. Role of teacher for the special child of visual impairment:

First of all, if we see any visual disability in our student then we should refer him/her t the hospital for check-up. We can allow such students to sit in the front row so that they could read the black board with ease.

We, as a teacher should write in bold letters which are legible. We should also read aloud when w write on the blackboard. Books with bold letters should be available in the library to cater to the needs of these students. Through these efforts we ca bring these type of special children psychologically at level with a Norma child.

3. Role of teacher of the special child of hearing and speech impairment.

Teacher can do a lot of help/work for them. We as a teacher should ask students with hearing problems to sit near us for improved listening. Teacher should use a reasonable level of pitch (voice) while speaking.


We should not speak too fast and avoid mumbling. We as a teacher should have our lips visible to the students while we are reading so that they are able to supplement listening by lip-reading.

We can correct their some hearing problems through speech training using reinforced drill and practice. We should also send them for medical check-up.

4. Role of teacher for the special child of low mental ability:


Every teacher can find special children of low mental ability in his/her class. To bring them at level with a normal child we, as a teacher should provide them concrete experience. These special children require repetition and more practice than the normal students.

We can present learning tasks in small steps. We should give them a feeling of success by asking simple questions. We should provide immediate feedback or reward for these kinds of students. We should give them training also in communication skills.

5. Role of the teacher for special child of learning disability:

To bring them at a level with a normal child, teacher should provide them help in areas of their disability. We as a teacher should adopt suitable teaching strategies to support their learning.


We should not criticize these kinds of students. Teacher should diagnose their problematic areas and then organise extra classes to solve their problems.