Through the help of the Qoran, I have found some important problems in today’s human sciences which that science does not even take into consideration. One is the question of migration.

In my lecture entitled ‘Mohammad, the Seal of the Prophets,’ the question was considered solely from a historical point of view as the migration of a tribe from one place to another.

I have dis­covered that migration is just the opposite of that which Moslems feel it to be when we look to the Qoran, read about migration and the Emigrants, [the people who accompanied the Prophet from Mecca to Medina], the life of the Prophet and generally, migration at the beginning of Islam.

It was not just a historical accident or event. Moslems consider the migration to have consisted of a group of men who were banned from Mecca and then ordered by the Prophet to go to Ethiopia and Medina.


Migration, in historic terms, is considered to be the transfer of a primitive tribe from one place to another because of geographic or political causes. Islam considers it to be an event which took place and affected the life of Moslems and the Prophet of Islam.

Migration is a deep philosophic and social principle. By referring to history, I discovered that migration is an extremely important and magnificent principle. It is not simply what the historian sees it to be.

Even the philosophers of history have not paid attention to the question of migration. What I say now is that migration has been a factor influencing the whole of history.

All of the twenty-seven civilizations which we know histori­cally resulted from migrations. There is not one exception to this rule. According to records, a primitive tribe would become civilized and would create a higher culture only when it moved from its place, when migrating from the land it had lived in.


AW of the world’s civilizations, from the most recent, that is, America, to the oldest, which is Sumer, have been established through subsequent migrations. This means that a primitive tribe remained primitive while it remained in its own land.

As soon as migration took place and they were settled in a new land, it reached what could be called civilization. Thus, all civilizations are the result of the migration of primitive tribes.

There are many questions which I came to understand through the Qoran. The amount of information contained within it has helped me to better understand historical and sociological problem and see them in a new light.

Therefore, I have arrived at this method which is to use the special terms of the Qoran. In this context one can discover so many approaches whicn can be applied to the newest of sciences, the human sciences.


The greatest problem of history and sociology and, in parti­cular, of the sociology of Islam, is to find the main cause of changes of societies. What is the main factor which causes a society to change and transform or suddenly be overthrown and decay?

What fact of causes a society to arrive at a positive muta­tion so that in one or two centuries its material and spiritual form and content change and cause all individual and social relation­ships to change as well?