Indian society is theocratic and feudal till the Nineteenth Century. Social equality, dignity of the individual and democratic ideal occurred in Indian scenario in the middle of Nineteenth Century. Through the impact of national movement democratic ideals were promoted and disseminated in the country.

The Meeting of 1857 was the most important cause of British crown taking over the administration in India in 1858, and from 1861 Indians were associated with administration. The birth of the Indian National Congress in 1885 and its demands during 1885 and 1891 led to expansion of the legislative council in 1892. The Morley-Minto reforms in 1909 were accelerated by the extremist movement.

The Montagu declaration of 1917 and the Act of 1919 were the inevitable consequences of the strength of National Movement during the World War-I (1914-1918). The National Movement during 1920-22 and the activities of the Swarajya Party in the legislative assembly of India from 1924 to 1927 led to the appointment of Simon Commission in 1927.

The insistence and intensification of National Movement 1929, exhibited by the independence resolution and the Civil Disobedience Movement in 1930-1933 led to the formation of Gandhi-lrwin Pact, Round Table Conference and the enactment of the Government of India Act, 1935. The ‘Quit India’ Resolution of 1942, followed by the unprecedented movement from 1942-1945 ultimately led to National Independence in 1947.