1. Dependence on Rainfall

The Indian farmers are dependent to a large extent on the monsoons which are very uncertain, unequally distributed and unreliable.

2. Fragmented Holdings

The small holdings of the farmers do not encourage modern methods of farming, like use of scientific cultivation, improved implements and seeds. A lot of time, labour and power is wasted on small holdings as returns are poor.


3. Improper Irrigation facilities

All the land cannot be irrigated and farmers depend on the monsoons which are unreliable. Therefore failure of monsoons leads to failure of crops.

4. Land Tenure

Though the Zamindari system has been abolished there are a number of landlords who get their cultivation done through tenants who are not encouraged to increase the production of food crops.


5. Old Methods of Cultivation

The Indian Farmers have been using old and inefficient methods of production. There is also shortage of good quality seeds, fertilizers and techniques of cultivation.

6. Poverty and Illiteracy

The Indian farmers are uneducated and their poverty has prevented to provide them security against failure of crops.