(a) Location

The coal (Midlatitude) West margin region having British type of climate lies between 45° and 60° north and south of the equator on the western margins of the continent in the belt of the Westerlies.

(b) Areas

(i) In Northwestern Europe – British Colombia, Denmark, Belgium, Netherlands, and Northern France.


(ii) British Columbia in Canada.

(iii) In South America – Southern Chile.

(iv) Tasmania (Australia) and the South Island of New Zealand,

(c) Natural environment:


(i) Climate the summers are warm and the winters are cool. (Summers are net too hot and winters are not very cold). These areas are affected by the permanent Westerlies throughout the year. Cyclonic rainfall is experienced throughout the year. They are affected by warm currents; hence, the temperature is not low despite the high latitude.

(ii) Vegetation Deciduous forests is the natural vegetation. Coniferous forests are found on the hilly regions. Important trees are oak, beech, poplar. Trees shed their leaves in the winter season and have great commercial value.

(d) Human response

(i) Intensive mechanized farming is practiced in Northwestern Europe where the forests have been cleared. Crops like wheat, barley, sugar beet, etc., are cultivated. Yield is high.


(ii) Market gardening is carried on to meet the requirements of urban industrial centres.

(iii) Industrialization is on a large scale especially in Northwestern Europe.

(iv) Fishing is an important occupation in the coastal areas.

(v) Lumbering is an important activity in British Columbia.


(vi) Sheep rearing has developed on a commercial scale in the South Island of New Zealand.