Latest technological innovations expanding the uses of hydrogen has made it the fuel of the future. Its use in nuclear energy, space technology and spin-off indefence and health is coming handy.

Hydrogen is the energy carrier for the future. It is a clear fuel that can be used in places where it is hard to use electricity. Sending electricity long way costs four times as much as shipping hydrogen by pipeline. Hydrogen can be produced at large central facilities or at small plants for local use. Every region of the world has some resource that can be used to make hydrogen. Its flexibility is come of its main advantages.

Hydrogen is used widely for space programme. Hydrogen fuel lifts the space shuttle into or hit. Hydrogen batteries called fuel cells- power the shuttle’s electrical system.

Hydrogen fuel cells make electricity. They are very efficient, but expensive to build. Small fuel cells can power electric cars and emit no pollution. Hydrogen could provide clean, endless, renewable energy for the future.