Spiritualism is a truth. Every truth or every conviction based upon what is believed to be true has its ultimate sources. The ultimate source has two aspects, viz., subjective experience and objective event. From the analysis of this ultimate source we can interpret a truth either as materialism or as spiritualism.

Child birth is an objective event. This event is observable, communicable and verifiable on the basis of facts which can be observed. All the objective entities, all the objects in the everyday world we see are the objective events.

We call these events “matter” from which the philosophy of materialism last been derived. This philosophy believes that the objective entities or matter is truth. Giving birth to a child is for each mother and for each child is a subjective experience. This experience unique both for the mother and the child it is not possible on the part of a mother to explain before others the nature of pain she tolerates at the time of giving birth to a child.

Similarly communication Hi God or spiritual experience cannot be explained before others. It cannot be observed or verified. It is a mystic experience, which can be communicable through words, but what is experienced is mmunicable.


Philosophers, who interpret the existence of the world in terms of spiritual entities are known as the “ualists and the philosophy which believes in the existence of a spiritual world is known as spiritualism.

If we open the pages of history, we will find that spiritual education alone set-up high ideals and attempted to plant seeds of nobility and virtue in the hearts of the students. Under the influence of this action people in ancient India lived a superior life.

History keeps the record of the acts like kindness, sacrifice and service to others. People can lead a happy and prosperous life. Therefore, it is lightened for us to teach our students the fundamental truth like reverence, restraint, broad mind, love cooperation, sympathy, non-violence etc. As a result of which they can fight against materialism, favoritism, casteism, corruption and animalization. The character, integrity and honesty of the children will gradually develop. They can be taught to live and act like normal human beings.

Strategies for Inculcating Spiritual Values:


Educational institutions should not be packed with education and instruction alone. In order to provide the young pupils with opportunities for the realization of desirable social, spiritual and moral values, multifarious programmes should be organized. Emphasis should be given on the appreciation and dice of values in the school curriculum. In order to impart spiritual values, the following strategies should be undertaken in the centres of learning:

(i) Spiritualism has a emotional appeal which motivates people to work. Therefore, under the unbearable stress and strains of the modern life, spiritualism is making a big come-back in our country. Since independence, attempts have been made to introduce community prayer or Prathana Sabha in the schools. But the achievement is not satisfactory.

(ii) Suitable persons should be invited to deliver inspiring talks on the lives and teachings of great spiritual leaders, their ethical system and philosophy.

(iii) The syllabus for spiritual education should be carefully prepared. A well-planned syllabus containing essential features of all the religions of the world should be prepared.


(iv) Collection of suitable poems and passages from Sanskrit, Persian, English and regional languages.

(v) To develop inter-religious understanding, radio and television programmes should be utilized.

(vi) Religious instruction can be given through two methods direct and indirect. Teachers can teach suggestions as well as by discussions and teaching.

(vii) Teaching of literature, history and other subject should be taught with a view to promote human values.


(viii) Students should get an opportunity to co-operate with different religious communities.

(ix) In the school programme, the particular religious faith should not be emphasized. Students of one community should not feel to the superior to other community. They should be broad- minded and should develop a sense of equality to all religions of the world.

(x) Students should read a comprehensive history of religion, which will provide an incentive to international understanding.

Thus spiritual education can prove to be effective through the whole hearted co-operation of the teachers who must inspire the students by providing them living models of education, love and sacrifice. Co-operative efforts of the teachers and their students can make the programme a success.