What is hypertension; how is it treated?

High blood pressure:

It is also called Hypertension and indicates an ab­normality in the flow of the blood through the arteries. Temporarily how­ever there may be an increase in blood pressure due to reasons such as exercise, emotional upset etc. But when the blood pressure is constantly high even when an individual is resting it is an indication of abnormality and has to be immediately attended to medically.

There are two main reasons which cause hypertension. These are- arterioselerosis and nephritis. Arteriosclerosis is a disease of the blood vessels. Due to various reasons the blood vessels loose the elasticity and offer more resistance to the blood flow with the resultant increase in the pressure.


The walls of the blood vessels lose their elasticity as a result of hardening which again is due to the absorption of calcium salts. Generally as advanced age sets in the walls of the blood vessels gradually lose their elasticity and become hardened. This is the reason why generally in aged persons the blood pressure is higher than in the youngsters.

Nephritis is a disease of the nephrons of the kidney which also has an effect on blood pressure. Some other causes of blood pressure are over­eating, smoking, herediatry conditions and psychological conditions like continued stress brought about by various reasons. Initially an increased blood pressure may be symptomless but generally the external symptoms that may indicate increased blood pressure are – headache, throbbing of the head, tiredness, giddiness and palpitation of the heart.

The organs that are most likely to be affected by high blood pressure are heart, brain and kidneys. Continued neglect of blood pressure may even cause the blood vessels to burst leading to internal haemmorhage specially in the brain. This is called Apoplectic stroke. Hypertension if detected early can be completely kept under check if not cured.

Apart from medication there has to be an alraund change in the mental attitude of the patient. While medication may give a temporary relief ultimately it is the mental attitude that will keep the blood pressure under check. Medication includes specific antihypertension drugs like reserpine obtained from the roots of a plant Rawolfia serpentina.


The extracts from this plant have been in use to control blood pressure in the Indian system of medicine since time immemorial. In addition to medication proper rest, mild exercise, giving up consump­tion of alcohol, giving up excessive use of salt, moderation in the drinking of coffee, tea etc. are recommended. Smoking should be given up alto­gether as it has an effect on the narrowing of the arteries. Meditation and yoga are also of great help in controlling hypertension.