Affective Domain of Teaching Science

As said earlier that attitudes, interests, values and appreciation of students form part of affective domain. It is difficult to define and to evaluate objectives relating to these features or characteristics.

For this reason, some experts have designed a hierarchy in which all the categories are more abstract in nature and arranged in such a manner that succeeding one is more complex than the preceding ones. Affective domain consists of following categories:

a. Receiving:


The first and lowest level of affective domain is process of receiving. This function includes an individual’s or student’s awareness of various sources through which information of scientific facts can be obtained. It also includes the ability of a student or individual to recognise such sources whenever need or the demand arises.

b. Responding:

In comparison to simple awareness, this function is of quite higher level and is complex in nature. In this stage, students are expected to get information relating to various scientific facts through various sources and also to get themselves indulged in various extracurricular activities through which their level of knowledge of scientific facts can get broader.

c. Valuing:


Third level of effective domain is valuing. Internalisation of and commitment to certain ideals or values is being indicated by this process.

Development of scientific attitude is the main objective of functions included in this category. Thus, this is an important process which should be performed with utmost care.

d. Organisation:

At this stage, function of building set system of values is being performed. It is in the abstract form that values are being conceptualised. Function of resolving the conflicts existing in various Values is done at this stage and all the values are being inter-related with each other in this stage.


Cognitive behaviours of analysis and synthesis is being performed for such functions. This function should be performed only by a well trained person otherwise; probability of committing various mistakes can arise.

e. Characterization by a Value:

Highest level of effective domain is being characterised by value or values. At this stage, various controlled values are being used to characterise behaviour pattern of students. Not only this, values and attitudes are being integrated at this stage in a well-defined and controlled manner.