Schools are established by society to preserve and transmit culture and lee system i.e. the role of school is perceived to develop human resource in infirmity with the norms set out by the society.

For instance, in interest and etude, students differ in their perception about various trait and virtues of the society. Let us study the various components of value system in this action. Meaning and Nature: A value is an orientation towards a whole class of odds which are important in one’s life.

The value is labeled with the specific ales to be achieved in life. A person may have strong convictions about adorn, good health, close family relationships or success. In good health a son’s important values he may believe that people should eat nutritive food, exercise, take rest and avoid drugs and alcohol.

Growth of Values:


Basic values are likely to be learned during early years, see values enter into every phase of life. They include attitudes towards chess, competition and problem-solving etc. The values also include the virtues of honesty, industry, co-operation, obedience and the like.

Envelopment of Values:

Women values are derived through the natural development process. They cannot be traced to specific elements or events that occur along the way. Man; satisfying and unsatisfying experiences, learning about the effects of the activities of others.

Knowledge of the human organism and its animate an inanimate surroundings, and the adoption of concepts considered useful t others, all contribute to the formation of values. Through introspection, then is internalization of things held dear, warm and friendly by someone wit; that the child identifies.


Through identification, the child arrives at a state similar to that of the model or ideal. Rules and guides are internalized when tin child desires to make them part of his or her own personal life. Values and the School

Can we teach values?

Should we teach them?

How can we teach values in classroom?


These are some of the questions that are of great importance! for teachers.

Whenever teachers teach or come into contact with children they have an influence upon individual child or upon groups of children Schools always exhibit the importance of values in their purposes am programmes of study and most deeply desire to nurture those values in the own students. The values held by adults are not, most of the time, hands down to the younger generation.

Educational experiences, undoubtedly, promote certain values and cast other aside. The school curriculum contains innumerable value judgments made t those who have designed and developed it.

A useful technique in teaching values is to survey existing Indian philosophies; Reading about philosophical viewpoints makes you aware of the values of till society you live in. You may also point out values presented in movies, air creations, and social situations that become a part of classroom activity, j Schools are where young people spend most of their time.


Therefore, schools are the place for major intervention to help promote healthy child development! School experiences affect the development of the sense of responsibility honesty, moral courage and friendliness in students. One of the key factors in value development is the amount and quality of pet interaction. Children learn about justice and fairness through sharing they ideas, feeling or experiences. Yet the process is slow. Values to be taught

1. It is essential to teach values related to the conservation of human life.

2. Students should be made aware of the dangers of impulsive action! Carelessness, thrill seeking, and other unwanted behaviors.

3. They should be taught to have the feeling of responsibility towards person and public property. Stealing, willful destruction, defacing property owns by persons, groups or institutions (as in student violence agitations) are examples of value-oriented behaviour.


4. Laws passed for the protection of individuals should have a rightful place in any system of values.

5. A positive value should be given to a law.


It is observed that special classroom teaching methods can affect the level of student’s moral maturity. The dilemma-discussion approach is very affective in making students of all age group aware of values and virtues of the society.