The government has appointed various committees and commissions for improving the quality of education imparted to the students at various levels. The recommendations of the UGC various levels the recommendations of the UGC are:

(a) Amenities of Life:

The ordinary amenities of life should be provided for women in colleges originally planned for men but to which women are being admitted in increasing numbers.

(b) Educational Opportunities:


There should be no curtailment in educational opportunities for women but rather a great increase.

(c) Educational Guidance:

There should be intelligent educational guidance by qualified men and women to help women to get a clear view of their real educational interests so that they should not imitate men but should provide good education according to their needs is capacities. Women’s and men’s education should have many elements in common, but not in general be identical in all respects as is usually the case these days.

(d) Normal Place in Society:


Women in general should be helped to see their normal place society courtesy and social responsibility in mixed colleges.

(e) Courtesy and Social Responsibility:

Men should be impressed upon to extend right courtesy and social responsibility in mixed colleges.

(f) Equality in Co-educational Institutions:


In co-educational Institutions, due weight age should be given to women.

(g) Equal Salaries. Women teachers should be paid the same salaries as men teachers for equal work.