(a) The Population Policy, 2000 seeks to hasten the process of population stabalisation through a series of socio-economic measures.

i. It has made elementary education compulsory till 14 years and reduced the rate of dropouts to below 20% for both boys and girls.

ii. To reduce the IMR to 13/1000 lives births.

iii. To reduce the maternal mortality rate to 100/ lakh.


iv. To ensure that 80% of deliveries are institutional and 100%deliveries by trained personnels.

v. To prevent early marriage of girls not in any case below 18 years and preferably above 20 years.

vi. To strengthen abortion facilities scheme.

vii. To provide more and more for the old and the aged.


viii. To bring the replacement level by 2010.

ix. To stabilize the population by 2045.

x. To reduce the total fertility rate to 2%.

xi. The policy lays down certain motivational and promotional incentives.