Meristematic tissue is a group of young, immature, undifferentiated and thin walled living cells which retain the power of continuous division.

It is commonly referred to as meristem and occurs in the growing regions of the plant body.

The cells of the meristematic tissues are quite distinct in their cytological and physiological characteristics from other cells. The following are the characteristics of the meristematic tissues.

(i) The constituent cells of meristematic tissue arc in a state of continuous an active division.


(ii) The cells are more or less undifferentiated.

(iii) They are compactly arranged without intercellular spaces.

(iv) They are usually isodiametric in shape.

(v) They are living with abundant cytoplasm and a prominent nucleus for each.


(vi) The cell wall is thin and homogenously cellulosic.

(vii) The vacuoles are either small or absent.

(viii) Endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria are not fully developed.

(ix) Plastids occur in proplastid stage.


(x) They show greater enzymatic activity and hence are metabolically more active,