The National Atomic Policy is mirrored in it declaring that India will use the nuclear weapons only in case of attack by nuclear weapons having country or by associate of such country or in such apprehension that the attack is planned, to the extent of its security and safety requirements, according to the object of the draft.

The draft says the Prime Minister or the persons appointed by him will have the last command to the order a nuclear attack so that responsibility can be maintained. Nuclear forces will be set on land, sea, mobile bases and with air forces. A reliable and efficient command will be under full confidence of authority.

In fact India’s aim is to acquire only minimum nuclear deferent to face any attack and response with such an answer which the enemy can never compensate. India’s nuclear policy can change according to situation to be effective, influential, flexible and stable. India’s objective are declared as development in economical, political, social, scientific and technological fields in the democratic set up, for which India requires a guaranteed power to save itself from any probable attack to maintain peace.

India will continue to develop secrete intelligence wings and pre-detection capacity apart from effectively training its forces for the use of such weapons. India will constitute a powerful command and control system.