Following are the characteristics of curriculum:

1. It Makes Complete Environment for Learning:

It encompasses the learning environment, teaching methods, the resources provided for learning, the systems of assessment, the school ethos and the ways in which students and staff behaves towards one another. All of these provide experiences from which students learn.

2. It Directs the Students:


They add meaning, purpose and enjoyment to students’ lives. Particular attention is required to ensure that there is congruence between the various dimensions of curriculum.

3. It is Adoptable:

The curriculum must be adaptable to the particular needs of different schools and communities.

4. It is Flexible:


The Framework provides a balance between what is common to the education of all students and the kind of flexibility and openness required for education in the twenty- first century.

5. It must Encourage Learning:

It must encourage effective use of new technologies as tools for learning.

6. It must have a Developmental Approach:


Students develop and learn at different rated and in different ways, constructing new knowledge and understanding in ways which link their learning to their previous experiences. The developmental approach of the Curriculum Framework accommodates these needs.

7. It must be Responsive: It must also be responsive to social and technological change and meet students’ needs arising from that change process.

8. It provides for all:

It provides for all groups of students, irrespective of educational setting, with access to a wide and empowering range of knowledge, skills and values. It means recognising and accommodating the different starting points, learning rates and previous experiences of individual students. It means valuing and including the understanding and knowledge of all groups.


9. It is dynamic and wider than a Syllabus:

Curriculum is much more than a syllabus. A syllabus normally outlines the content to be taught. Curriculum on the hand is dynamic and includes all the learning experience provided for the student.

10. It is a Mean to Progress:

It provides students and their parents with a clear sense of the direction of students’ learning and through appropriate assessment and reporting procedures, of how students are progressing.


11. It Provides Opportunities:

It provides opportunities for students to evaluate how concepts and constructions such as culture, disability, race, class and gender are shaped.

12. It Widens the Mental Abilities:

Effective education enables students to make connections between ideas, people and things, and to relate local, national and global events and phenomena. It encourages students to see various forms of knowledge as related and forming part of a larger whole.