According to J.B. Sears, organization is a machine for doing work. It may be composed primary of persons, materials, ideas, concepts, symbols, forms, rules, principles or more often of a combination of these. The machine may work automatically or its operation may be subject to human judgment.

According to W.H. Ryburn, organization simply means the practical measures which we take to insure that the system of work we use will be of the greatest possible assistance in carrying our aims and of the greatest benefits to our children.

What is Administration?

According to W.H. Ryburn, administration is not concerned with arrangement, time-tables, scheme of studies, type of buildings, registers etc. but it is concerned with attitude of our work and which children with whom we work.


According to Encyclopedia of Education Research, Education Administration is the process of integrating the efforts of persons and of utilizing appropriate materials in such a way as to promote effectively the development of children and youth but also with the growth of adults and particularly with the growth of the school personnel’s.

Aims and Objectives of School Organisation

1. The basic aim is that schools are the betterment of societies.

2. To provide efficient life of the school children and prepare them for the art of learning together.


3. To bring school and community close to each- other.

4. To prepare the students for some particular type of education which is in the interest and ability of the students?

5. To help die students to unfold their personality (mental development) inner part.

6. To enable the students to have the right type of psychology of life.


7. To conserve all the group practical values, heredity and culture of our society.

While it is certain that a bad workman blames his tools. It is certain that the best work can only be a accomplished with best tools. Its duty and association help to make scholars crowd of their connection with a school and they exercise plashing influence upon the neighbourhood. In a certain major it is a concrete for the idea for manifestations which the school stands. It is the permanent material expression cause spiritual things.