Peer evaluation is the process in which teachers use their own direct knowledge and experience to examine and judge the merit and value of another teacher’s practice. Peer stands for teachers in both roles under equivalence in assignment, training, experience, perspective and information about the setting for die practice under evaluation. The evaluating teacher should not teach at the same school and should not be concerned with each-other socially or professionally.

Advantages of Peer Evaluation:

(i) Teacher colleagues are familiar with school goals, values and problems.

(ii) Teachers know the subject-matter, curriculum, instruction material.


(iii) Teachers are aware of actual demand, limitations and opportunities.

(iv) Teachers get a proper feedback.

(v) Good judgment of subject-matter.

(vi) Peer evaluation removes teacher-teacher isolation.


(vii) A sense of professionalism is strengthened with the idea of shared knowledge.

(viii) Peer evaluation offers an opportunity to teachers to plan, design, and research, evaluate and prepare teaching materials together.

Disadvantages of Peer Evaluation:

i. It is not as easy as it sounds.


ii. It is not realized properly.

iii. It can create doubts about teaching abilities.

iv. It is not helpful for individuals.

v. It has not a proper trust.


Criteria of Good Peer Evaluation:

(i) Position approach.

(ii) Bottom up growth.

(iii) Voluntary participation.


(iv) In-depth study.

(v) Professional cooperation.

(vi) Respect.