What are the 6 main functions of vasopressin?

1. It plays an important role in the water balance (osmoregulation) of the body. When the fluid contents of the body become highly concentrated, ADH is secreted. This reaches the kidney via blood capillaries where it increases the permeability of the tubules thereby most of the water is reab­sorbed and the urine gets concentrated with reduction in volume.

2. This hormone maintains the proper osmotic concentration of the blood plasma.

3. The hormone is destroyed as soon as its function is over and is excreted out along with the urine.


4. It has the role to play in the maintenance of the blood pressure. The secretion of this hormone is all the more increased during haemorrhage.

5. Alcohol inhibits the secretion of ADH thereby causing diuresis.

6. Insufficient secretion of ADH causes diuresis or diabetes insipidus. Such individuals consume large quantity of water to compensate for the excessive loss of water in urination.