Technological reforms in Indian agriculture have aimed at introduction of improved technology, so as to raise agricultural productivity i.e., output per hectare of land.

Major technological reforms in Indian agriculture took the form of introduction of New Agricultural Technology (NAT), which is also broadly identified as HYV – fertilizers – water technology. New variety of high yielding varieties of seeds came to be introduced during the sowing season 1966-67. HYV seeds needed the support of sufficient application of chemical fertilisers and water. The results were spectacular. Productivity of land multiplied fast; increase in agricultural output was dramatic.

Some special technology modernisation will lead to food security in India. For example, genetically modified seeds grown to get more production and better quality. Even period of crop can also reduced with increased immunity involved through genetics.

Modern technological inputs in soil development and conservation are sine qua non for food security of India in a sustainable manner. Required amount of nutrients through fertilizers should be delivered to crops for good production and soil conservation.


Proper and improved techniques of irrigation only can lead to assured production as rainfall distribution is uneven and uncertain throughout India. Therefore, proper planning for irrigation should be implemented.

Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Genetic engineering and modern techniques will ready to rise in the level of crop production but at the same time food conservation during post-harvesting stage and its maximum utilisation is also necessary. Improved and efficient pesticides at storage stage should be used.

But if we assess few decades’ agricultural development, it is found that agricultural output was stagnant.