The Implications of Gender Disparities in India!

The word ‘gender’ refers to the socio-cultural definition of men and women, the way societies distinguish men and women and assign them social roles. For ages, it was believed that the different characteristics, roles and status accorded to women and men in society are determined by sex, that they are natural and therefore not changeable.

Gender is seen closely related to the roles and behaviour assigned to women and men based on their sexual differences. Gender disparity is therefore a form of inequality which is distinct from other forms of economic and social inequalities. It stems not only from pre-existing gendered social norms and social perception.

It has adverse impact on development goals as reduces economic growth. It hampers the overall well being because blocking women from participation in social, political and economic activities can adversely affect the whole society. Many, developing countries including India have displayed gender inequality in education, employment and health. It is common to find girls and women suffering from high mortality rates.


The sex ratio according to 2001 census report, stands at 933 per 1000 males. Out of total population, 120 million are women who live in abject poverty. The maternal mortality rate in rural areas is among the world’s highest. From a global perspective India accounts for 19% of all live births and 27% of all maternal deaths. The death of young girls in India exceed those of young boys by over 300000 each year and 6th infant death is specifically due to gender discrimination.