Purposes and Objectives of the Organization of Science Fair

Science fairs are seen to serve some of the following purposes and objectives:

1. Science fairs may help in knowing about the methods, techniques and aid material developed by the individual teacher, students or institution and deriving benefit by coming into contact each other.

2. Science fairs bring the schools quite close to community and the society. The guardians of the students derive pleasure and satisfaction on seeing the performance of their wards. They are also acquainted with the utility and service of science in their day to day life.


3. Science fairs help in providing satisfactory forum and opportunity for the healthy competition on the individual and the institutional level.

4. Such forum helps in bringing out the future scientists into lime light and thus may prove quite helpful in catching them young for being trained as a skilled and technical personal and inventors for the growth of the society, nation and mankind.

5. These fairs provide opportunity to the talented or creative students for the nourishing and nurturing of their creative talents.

6. Science fairs interest in the students for science and thus may help in making the study of science a joy in itself.


7. From these fairs the students get opportunity to see the individual or collective performance of other students for being encouraged and inspired to work hand in the pursuit of science.

8. Science fairs prove a good media and means to the science students for trying out theory into practice.

9. Science fairs affords opportunity to the students as well as members of the community to understand the practical application and utility of science.