Individual conferences are among the most productive techniques in supervision and administration. This, of course, is based on the assumption that the supervisor of administrator knows how to interview, has prepared for the conference, and has something worthwhile to say.

Even when the material of the conference does not contain much substance, a good deal can be gained by face-to-face contacts and the “communication of the spirit” that can come only when two people engage in heart-to-heart talk.

Courtesy and warmth are always harbingers of success in personal interviews. If, in addition, misunderstandings are clarified and differences are resolved, a great deal will have been accomplished. There remains, however, one more important element.

The supervisor must follow up on those items upon which agreement has been reached. Nothing is more discouraging to a teacher than to expect results that never come about. Morale is enhanced when teachers can be sure that their supervisors will act on those things they say they will do.


The importance of good communication in interviews cannot be overstressed. It is discouraging when two people spend time talking to each other and cannot make themselves understood. Good semantics, clear articulation, and the absence of emotional barriers on both sides are helpful.

A relaxed, easy atmosphere will contribute to understanding. Knowing in advance the kind of a person with whom one is talking is also important.

The physical education supervisor should try to schedule interviews at the convenience of the teacher. Teachers may not be prepared to travel and sometimes feel threatened in the supervisor’s office.

Sincerity, objectivity, and good common sense are characteristics of an effective conference. Supervisors who listen well will accomplish more than those who try to regale teachers with their own experiences.


Supervisors should, however, take this opportunity to let teachers know something of their own philosophy of education and what is expected. Hopes and aspirations for the work they are doing together should also be indicated.