Understanding science. General Science in Schools. Aims and objectives of teaching general science. Methods of teaching general science: Demonstration, Experimental method.

Understanding science

It is important to understand what ‘science’ is.

Science has been differently defined by different experts, scholars and writers. Someone regards science as a ‘systematised body of knowledge’, while another may regard it as ‘organised common sense’. Still another person calls science as “a heap of truth”. A few expert views are given below.


1. “Science is an attempt to make the chaotic diversity of our sense experience corresponds to logically uniform system of thought.”

2. “Science is that human endeavour that seeks to describe with ever increasing accuracy the events and circumstances that occur or exist within our natural environment.”

3. “Science is a cumulative and endless series of empirical observations which result in the formulations of concepts and theories, with both concepts and theories being subject to modification in the light of further empirical observations. Science is both a body of knowledge and the process of acquiring and refining knowledge.”

Why Science?


Science has come to stay. The following are the suggested contributions which science can make to the adjustment of individuals.

1. Science can aid in the development of the social competence of individuals.

2. Science can aid in the vocational guidance of individuals.

3. Science can aid in the development of the physical and mental health of individuals.


4. Science can aid in the education of individuals as potential consumers. i

5. Science can aid in the education of individuals as potential producers.

6. Science can aid in the education for leisure time.

7. Science can aid in the education of the individuals in developing a philosophy of living.


8. Science can aid in the education of the individuals for maintaining personal safety.

9. Science can aid in education for the wise use of natural resources.

10. Science can aid in the education of individuals for solving problems.

11. Science can aid individuals in developing a desirable group of attitudes.


12. Science can aid individuals in developing a pattern of appreciations.