How is paralysis caused; what are the types and cure?

This refers to a condition in which there is loss of sensation in the entire body or in some parts of the body. The loss of sensation is accompanied with partial or total loss of movements in some parts or the whole body. In paralysis, the patient is totally unaware of the existence of that part of the body.

Paralysis is a disease of the nervous system because of the impaired func­tioning of the brain. This may be due to a stroke which is caused by either haemorrhage or a blood clot in some part of the brain. Sometimes spinal cord injuries and brain tumors are even brain infections may cause paraly­sis.

Paralysis is classified into the following types depending on the extent of attack on the parts of the body.


1. Hemiplegia:

This refers to paralysis of one side of the body. Hemiplegia has two stages of attack. The first stage is the onset in which there are symptoms like shock effect, patient may become unconscious and the angle of mouth will be twisted to one side which is affected. The second stage is the stage of recovery. In this stage there is change of gait where the paralysed side is dragged around in semicircle. The tongue is protruded to the af­fected side.

2. Paraplegia:

This condition is characterised by weakness of both lower limbs. There may be partial or complete paralysis of the legs. Paraplegia is caused by spinal cord injuries, vascular syphilis, cervical spondylosis, tumors of the brain etc.


3. Diplegia:

In this type of paralysis, at both sides of the body are affected including the same regions. For instance if right hand is affected left hand is also affected.

4. General paralysis:

This is a type of paralysis where the entire body is involved. There is total loss of movement or sensation in the entire body.