Hitler became the head of Germany in 1933. He had a humble beginning. Despite organizing different fronts of the Party, the Nazis did badly politically.

Hitler’s opportunity came in 1930 when as a result of the Great Depression (1929) the German economy was facing a crisis.

The policy of Hindenburg in this period of crisis was criticized by the big industrialists. Hitler took this opportunity and his Nazi Party also conducted a bitter propaganda campaign being supported by the industry.

In the election of 1932 the Nazis won largest number of seats but did not have an overall majority. On 30 January 1933 Hitler became the Chancellor.


Within a very short time another election was announced. In this election also the Nazis did not fare well.

But by manipulation with other parties Hitler established his majority and by passing the Enabling Law made himself the Fuehrer or the leader of Germany in August 1934.