Article – 3 in the Constitution deals with the formation of new states. Under this Provision Parliament can initiate formation of new states but with the Prior recommendation of the Parliament. If the bills, affects the area, boundaries or change of name of the state, it is to be referred to the concerned state legislature by the president for eliciting its views.

However the views so given by the state is not bound full on President. The legislature has to express his views within the time specified. For any of this act, Parliament needs to pass the Act by simple majority and it shall not be considered as an amendment to the Constitution under Article 368.

Demand of Separate states like Jharkhand, Telangena, Uttarakhand etc are not considered by the Government recently because formation these states was not in their agenda. The demands of states like Uttaranchal, Jharkhand etc. was considered according to the agent of the Government.

This separation of state also depends on the existing government desireness to go for the same. While the Andhara Pradesh and Maharashtra government are not ready for creation of new states out of parent state.