The system of parliamentary control as provided in India for control over administration is quite elaborately and seems impressive. If the institutions are effective, misuse of power of bureaucracy is much lesser possible. But an institutional arrangement, however rational and elaborate it may be, does not itself achieve the purposes of taming and toning up the bureaucracy.

The effectiveness of parliamentary control depends upon at least three important conditions. Firstly, as a matter of principle, legislature! Can be effective for its control over the executive only in proportion to the strength of the opposition! Which by virtue of its strength and appeal to the electorate, expects that some day it would have a! Chance to form the government second condition is the strength and equality of public opinion! Representative legislatures backed by a strong public opinion can effectively contain executive and! Administrative actions thirdly, the effectiveness of legislative control over the executive depends upon!

The devices and procedures instituted by the legislature in carrying out it functions to meet the changing! Need of modern society. However, legislative procedures are only a means to an end, the end being! Responsible and democratic discussion of public issues in Parliament and the protection of the right oil democratic and uninhibited debate.

A lot depends upon the leadership provided by the cabinet and the! Prime Minister, and their effectiveness, in turn depends on the party system operating in the country. Cabinets are unstable, and if the parties in Parliament are busy in maneuvering and manipulating the rise of fall of cabinets, bureaucracy is left free to accomplish whatever as it sees fit.


At the same time, the lack of strong opposition to the single dominant party in India has weakened the effectiveness of I parliamentary control, as the ruling party doesn’t see any challenge to its power by the weak and 1 fragmented opposition political parties.

Apart from the above conditions, studies and experience have indicated certain factors leading to somewhat ineffectiveness of the instrumentality of Parliamentary control. These are: insufficiency of I time at the disposal of Houses, unwillingness of members to sit longer in the Houses, lack of adequate interest on member’s part in the proceedings of the Houses, quality of members; inadequacy of expert knowledge and specialisation and want of the sense of independence in them; wastage of time in sensation or politically colourful matters at the cost of constructive issues; and indifference of the public.

Towards the end it can be suggested that to make the control more effective, specialised knowledge, information and capacity of members will have to be increased; white at the same time this point should be taken care of that administration is no enemy of the people or their representatives and whatever control is exercised should be positive one, towards the promotion of general welfare.