Education is growth and development

Education is growth and development. It aims at the fullest possible realisation of all the potentialities of children. This implies that the teachers must know what the children are capable of, and what potentialities they possess. Equipped with this knoedge, they should provide suitable opportunities and favourable environment facilities to bring out maximum development of children. In addition to these opportunities, it is also essential that their attitudes are helpful, encouraging and sympathetic.

School programmes

School programmes, procedures and practices should be adjusted to the growth and maturational level of children, bearing in mind the individual variations in rates of growth.


Individual differences

The principles of development have highlighted the importance of individual differences. This justifies the provision of diversified courses for the development of specific talents, abilities and interests of the students; and a rich and varied programme of co-curricular activities to suit the individual tastes and requirements.

Possibilities and limitations of each stage of growth

In the same way, each stage of growth has its possibilities and limitations. This implies that teachers and parents should not demand of pupils or children whats beyond their stage of growth. If they do so, they will simply cause frustration, tension and nervousness in children. The fact of individual differences also necessitates that the programmes and practices of the school should be adapted to the needs and requirements of each individual child to bring about his fullest possible development.