The Secondary Education Commission has analysed the traditional curriculum and pointed out the following defects in the traditional Curriculum.

1. Narrowly conceived.

The existing curriculum is narrowly conceived. It only prepares the children for college education and not for life. The subjects included in the curriculum have no relevance to life in society. There are no broader units of study.

2. Bookish. The curriculum is bookish and theoretical.


The students do not learn beyond their prescribed books. The practical application of knowledge is not stressed. Moreover, it feeds the mind and starves the body and the heart.

3. Single-track.

It is a single-track system. The curriculum is rigidly uniform, irrespective of individual differences in children. There is no provision for diversification of courses and activities. Activities like games, sports, hobbies, crafts etc. are neglected. This mono- track system is still followed in our schools.

4. Over crowded:


The traditional curriculum is over- crowded with so many subjects. A student in the school has to study a number of subjects. The teachers and the students are too busy with the academic work to attend to any other activity.

5. Examination-ridden.

In the curriculum only those items are included which are to be assessed in the examination. The teacher and the students attend to the type of academic work needed for the purpose of examination.

6. No provision for technical and vocational education.


The traditional school curriculum relates to academic work and has no provision for technical and vocational education which is the need of the time. If the pupils are to take part in the industrial and economic development of the country, they should also be imparted technical and vocational education.

7. Unpsychological.

The existing curriculum is Unpsychological as. it does not take into account individual differences in children. Moreover, it is not child-centred as it is framed from the point of view of adults.

8. Unprogressive.


The traditional curriculum is unprogressive as it does not keep pace with the developments in the field of science and technology. It is static and does not conform to changing social needs.

9. Neglects culture.

The traditional curriculum does not include our long cherished cultural values. It does not reflect Indian traditions, arts, crafts, moral and spiritual values, folk lore etc.

Traditional curriculum suffers from a number of defects and needs complete overhauling. It emphasises intellectual development and neglects the development of other aspects of personality of the child.


It h is rigidly uniform and static. “Thus the traditional curriculum is narrowly conceived, Unpsychological planned and ineffectively executed”. There is a need to revise the curriculum from time to time. In our country, the age-old curriculum was changed by the British. Later on, Basic Education gave a new turn to the curriculum.

The importance of craft and manual work was emphasised. Later j on, the Secondary Education Commission suggested the diversification of courses. Various multipurpose and unipurpose schools were started and many high schools were converted into higher secondary schools. Indian Education Commission suggested further modifications in the curriculum.

The Commission suggested general curricula of general education for the first 10 years and diversification of studies and specialisation at the higher secondary stage. The Commission laid stress on science education and work experience. Then the Central Government suggested 10+2+3 pattern. Even this system is now being carefully studied.

So the curriculum can be dynamic if it is constantly reviewed and revised. However, the change in the curriculum should not be affected for its own sake. Any new scheme of curriculum should be thoroughly studied and debated by prominent educationists before its implementation.