Different Types of Athletic Injuries

1. Arthritis:

It is caused by the inflammation of the joints. Arthritis is of several types, three types of arthritis are described here.

(i) Rheumatoid arthritis is most common arthritis. It is diagnosed by the presence of rheumatoid factor (a type of immunoglobin 1 gM). Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammation of the synovial membrane in synovial joints. When this membrane, which is source of synovial fluid, becomes inflamed, it produces too much fluid. In fact the synovial membrane starts secreting abnormal granules called pannus, which after accumulating on the surface of the particular certilage, cause its erosion. The fibrous tissues are attached with the bones, making the joints immovable. The joints swell and become extremely painful. Pain and inflammation can be reduced by heat treatment and physiotherapy. In extreme cases, replacement of the damaged joints is done.


(ii) Osteoarthritis affects the particular cartilage at the synovial joints. The cartilage erodes and due to proliferation new bone is deposited. It is a degenerative joint disease. Usually, affected joints are of spine, knees and hands.

(iii) Gouty arthritis (= Gout) is caused either due to excessive formation or uric acid or inability to excrete it. It gets deposited in synovial joints as monosodium salt.

2. Osteoporosis:

Osteoporosis is a disease in which bone loses minerals and fibres from its matrix. Individuals, who are under prolonged treatment of cortisone, are prone to bone loss, leading to osteoporosis. Major causative factors of osteoporosis are imbalances harmones like calcitonin of thyroid, parathormone of parathyoids, and sex hormones and deficiencies of calcium and vitamin D.


3. Osteomalacia and Rickets:

Osteomalacia, called rickets when it occurs in childhood, is a disease in which the bones contain insufficient amounts of calcium and phosphorus. Three causes are to be mentioned here-kidney disease, vitamin D deficiency, and an inherited defect.

4 Bursitis:

The bursae of joints often become inflamed, a condition known as bursitis. The inflammation can be caused by a physical injury or by constant pressure to the same joint over a long period1 of time.


5. Dislocation:

A dislocation is a displacement of the particular surfaces of a joint; it usually involves a damage to the ligaments surrounding the joint. Most dislocation result from falls, blows, or extreme exertion is most often seen in the joints of the thumb, fingers, knee or shoulder. Symptoms of dislocation include swelling, pain, and loss of motion.

6. Sprain and Strains:

A sprain is a twisting of a joint without dislocating it. Such an injury causes damage to ligaments and also often damages tendons, muscles, blood vessels, and nerves, Severe sprains are quite painful and require immobilization during the healing process.

Recovery Process

A rational and varied diet according to the specifics of the sport and the phase of training.


Essential for sportsmen :

1. A rational and varied diet according to the specifics of the sport and the phase of training.

2. Active rest and involvement in pleasant, relaxing social activities.


3. Permanent monitoring of each athlete’s health status.

4. A rational alternation of work with regeneration phases.

5. An attempt to eliminate all social stressors.

6. A sound team atmosphere of calm, confident, and optimistic players.


Recovery Techniques :

Following techniques are used in recovery process:

1. For Cardio respiratory System: Consider oxygen therapy, balneotherapy, massage, psychotonic relaxation, acupressure, chemotherapy, and a diet rich in alkaline substances.

2. For Endocrine-Metabolic System: Consider oxygen therapy, psychotonic, training, massage, acupressure, kinotherapy, chemotherapy, and a diet rich in minerals and alkaline substances.

3. For Neuropsychological System: Consider psychotonic relaxation, yoga exercise, Trager, acupressure, oxygen therapy, aero therapy, balneotherapy, maessage, and chemotherapy.

4. For Neuromuscular System: Consider balneotherapy, massage, psycho tonic relaxation, yoga, Trager, acupressure, a diet rich in alkaline foods and minerals, and chemotherapy.