Man is a social being. But a new-born baby is neither social nor an unsocial being. He gradually learns the social qualities to become a social being. First his responses to mother or others who look after him. When these responses increase in number, complexity develops. He tries his best to overcome it. If he develops capacity to adjust and develop relationship, we say it is due to his social development.

Social development means the attainment of maturity of social relationship. It is possible through socialization. Socialization is a process, which enables the child to acquire his social status according to his age.

(i) Social development in infancy (birth to 2 years):

The social behavior does not exist at birth. In second month, the child smiles in response to adults. In the 3rd month, the child stops crying when talked to. In the 4th month, it makes anticipated adjustment. In the 5th and 6th months, the child reacts differently. In the 8th to 9th months, the child imitates speech of others. In the 10th to 12th months, the child plays with images. In the 18th month, he cooperates with others. In the 1st year, social relationship establishes with his/her mother. In the first year, he becomes self-centered. He likes to do what de desires to do.


(ii) Social development in early childhood (2to 6 years):

During his period, the child tries its best to become social. At the age of 3years, he becomes cooperative and friendly with others. He shares toys with others. He desires to play. Play with other children helps him to adjust himself to group life. His social behaviors become negative. Negatism, rivalry quarrelling, teasing and bullying, cooperation; sympathy and social approval develop in childhood.

(iii) Social development from 6 to 12 years (later-childhood):

It is the school age stage. The child finds friends. He develops gang or small groups to play. In 6 or 7 years, the child seeks playmates. In 11 or 12 years, the child likes to take part in team games. He develops group loyalties. He learns to adjust himself in a group. In 8or 10 years of age, sex differences are marked. Boys and girls live in separate groups. They play in competitive tendencies etc. The teacher should organize the different games where every child can take part. Teacher is a socially mature individual. He should be able to make proper judgments, decisions and care for children. The children will be more sociable and can realize the result of group life.