There is a relationship between menstrual disturbances, level of athletic training and disordered eating; but how they are connected is not completely understood. Many believe it begins with the restricting of caloric intake coupled with rigorous exercise leading to decreased fat stores, which then decreases the body’s ability to produce hormones necessary for the reproductive cycle to continue normally. It was once thought that 12% body fat was the lowest percent a woman could obtain and still have good health.

It is now known at this level a woman would be putting her health in danger. It is when female body fat percentages plunge below approximately 17%, that amenorrhea begins. It is thought that as women decrease caloric intake and increase energy output through excessive athletic training schedules, the body goes into a state of energy imbalance of famine. The body responds by shutting off activity that isn’t essential to life. The first system to go is the reproductive system. During a prolonged energy deficit, the body shuts down the ovarian production of estrogen. It is thought that body wisdom understands that in the famine mode there is not enough energy to sustain new life and menses ceases.

Unfortunately, many doctors and coaches believe that amenorrhea is a sign of athleticism. They believe that it is a natural side effect to training. Amenorrhea is the cessation of menses for at least three consecutive months. Any athlete exhibiting amenorrhea should be questioned for disordered eating.