Professors Mort and Vincent have compiled 30 psychological rules for building skills.

The thirty rules are as under:

1. No one learns without feeling some urge to learn.

2. A person learns more quickly and lastingly what has meaning for him.


3. What a person learn is influenced directly by his surroundings.

4. All learning occurs through attempt to satisfy needs.

6. When an organism is ready to act, it is very painful for it not to act, and when an organism is not ready to act, is painful for it to act.

7. Security and success are the soil and climate for growth.


8. Interest is an indicator of growth.

9. Emotional tension decrease efficiency in learning

10. Physical defects decrease efficiency in learning

11. Interest is a source of power in motivating learning.


12. The best way to learn a part in life to play that part.

13. What gives satisfaction tends to be repeated, what is annoying tends to be avoided

14. You cannot train the mind like a muscle.

15. Learning is more efficient and longer lasting when the conditions for it are real and life like.


16. Piece-meal learning is not efficient.

17. Participation enhances learning

18. Abundant, realistic practice contributes to learning

19. A person learns by his own activity.


20. You start to grow from where you are not from some artificial starting point.

21. Growth is a steady continuous process and different individuals grow at different rates.

22. Unused talent led to personal maladjustment.

23. General behaviour is controlled by emotions as well as intellect.


24. Firsthand experience makes for lasting and more complete learning

25. It is impossible to learn one thing at a time.

26. The average pupils is largely a myth.

27. Learning is reinforced when two or more senses are used at the same time.

28. It has been said that a person learns more in first three years of his life than all the years afterwards.

29. If you want certain results teach it directly.

30. Child develops in terms of all the influence which affects them.