Skill in chalkboard writing is not difficult to acquire though it needs hard work and a lot of practice. Just as handwritings are different for different persons, chalkboard writing also differs from person to person. As a teaching, learning medium, chalkboard writing there are certain guidelines to be followed for increased effectiveness in chalkboard writing:

1. The matter written must be important, since a chalkboard is not a scribble pad.

2. The matter must be sequentially and logically arranged.

3. Utilise the space available so that the chalkboard writing is organised and balanced.


4. Maintain appropriate size to enable all learners to read without difficulty. Authors suggest a size of 3 cm letters for a 6 m deep room.

5. Write from top downwards.

6. If the board is too long, divide the space into two by drawing a dividing line in the middle, if necessary.

7. If, in the beginning, the writings are not parallel to the base use guidelines for practice.


8. Avoid running hand, write bold, independent letters.

9. Underline important words and sentences, use different colour, if necessary.

10. Let the chalkboard writing be in points. Avoid writing notes on a chalkboard.

11. Try to preserve the writing for a review at the end of the lesson.


12. Half a stick of chalk is better to write with than a whole stick. Hold it between the thumb and forefinger so that an inch or less projects.

13. The most convenient place to stand is towards the left side of the board! This allows convenient turning to face the class or board.

14. Use a duster to erase the writing and not your hand.

15. For the sake of practice, try drawing parallel lines from one end to the other vertically, horizontally and diagonally without lifting the chalk.