The difference between Striped and Unstrapped Muscle are given below:

Striped Muscle:

1. These are long, cylindrical and non-tappering fibres.

2. Fibres have dark and light bands and so the muscle appear striated.

3. Muscle fibre is coenocytic.


4. Subject to fatigue.

5. Voluntary.

6. Sorcolema present.

7. Found attached to bones.


8. Rich blood supply.

Unstripped Muscle:

1. These are elongated spindle shaped and tapering fibres.

2. Dark and light bands and absent, lence appear unstriated.

3. Fibre is uninucleated.


4. No fatigue.

5. Involuntary.

6. Sarcolema not found.

7. Occur in viscera and dermis.


8. Poor blood supply.