Difference between New World Monkey and Old World Monkey are stated below:

New World Monkey

1. These are south American monkeys.

2. Nose flat. The nostrils are set wide apart and opening to side.


3. Ischial callosties are absent.

4. Cheek pouches absent.

5. Ympanic bulla well developed.

6. Tail prehensile.


7. Offsprings usually more than one.

Old World Monkey

1. These are African and Asian monkey.

2. Nose raised. Internasal septum narrow. Nostrils close together and face downward.


3. Ischial callosities on buttocks to sit upon present.

4. Cheek pouches present.

5. Tympanic bulla poorly developed.

6. Tail is not prehensile.


7. Offsprings usually one.