Practically all pesticides toxic to man and other animals; however they differ in their degree of toxicity. Therefore, improper and excessive use of pesticides may prove to be hazardous to man and his domesticated animals. Pesticides irritate the skin and the respiratory system of human beings.

Therefore, proper safeguards must be taken to protect the persons handling the pesticides. Pesticides can also enter our bodies indirectly through the food chain. Non-degradable pesticides contaminate soil and water from where they are absorbed by plants. When human beings or animals eat these plants as food, these pesticides enter their bodies and affect their health.

While using pesticides the following precautions may be taken.

1. Use the pesticides according to the instructions given on the containers.


2. Use only the recommended does of pesticides.

3. Persons handling pesticides should avoid direct contact with pesticides.

4. Keep the pesticides in closed, properly labeled containers, away from the reach of animals and children.