Matter has the unique property of existing in different states at different temperatures and pressures. Solid, liquid and gas are the three states of matter.

Molecular arrangement:

The arrangement of molecules in the three states of matter is different.

Arrangement in solids:


The molecules in a solid are packed close to each other. The only movements they make are small vibrations about their fixed positions. The spaces between molecules are known as inter-molecular spaces. These are almost negligible in solids. Due to this, the molecules attract each other very strongly. This force of attraction, known as the intermolecular force of attraction, holds the molecules together.

Arrangement in liquids:

The molecules in a liquid can move about a little. They are less tightly packed than in solids, that is, they have bigger intermolecular spaces. The molecules of liquids do not have fixed positions. The intermolecular forces of attraction between the molecules of a liquid are weaker than those in solids.

Arrangement in gases:


The molecules in gases are far apart from one another. They have huge intermolecular spaces between their molecules. There are almost no intermolecular forces of attraction holding them together. The molecules collide with each other and move in all directions.