Communication is the lifeblood of industrial and commercial enterprise and the success of an enterprise depends to a great extent on effective communication. The exchange of ideas, facts and opinions by two or more persons is called communication. Effective communication denotes to one where a thing is understood in the sense in which it has been communicated. Communication may be external or internal and their media may be written or oral. Internal communication keeps the organisation going and as such, inter-communication is termed as a major function of the modern office. Internal communication plays a vital role because of the following reasons:

(a) Better co-ordination among the various departments is possible because of effective communication.

(b) Better control is possible because the targets and goals of the enterprise is communicated to the lower level management people. Similarly, the performances of the employees are communicated to upper management people.

(c) Office system and routine will fail without effective internal communication.


(d) Good communication projects a good image of the organization in the eyes of the general public,

(e) A lot of information is made available through effective communication to meet the challenges of the competition.

(f) Internal communication serves as a vehicle to motivate employees.

Internal communication may be oral or in writing. When the communication is made through spoken words, it is a case of oral communication. Oral communication may be face-to-face communication or through telephone or through some mechanical devices.


On the other hand, written communication is made in writing.’ It may take the shape of a letter, circular, bulletin and office memos. Internal written communication is concerned with inter office letters. These inter office letters are delivered through

(a) Actual delivery of these message

(b) Transmission of these message through mechanical devices.

Delivery of message is done through appointment of a peon or messenger. Though most of the offices adopt this method of delivering message, it is very expensive. Under this system, written messages are actually delivered to the person concerned. On the other hand, written communication message is transferred from one department to another through the help of mechanical devices. These devices are:


(a) Sending of message through teleprinter. Under this, messages can be sent from one place to another where both the ends have installed teleprinter.

(b) Sending message through “Telewriter” which works on the principles of teleprinter and transmit a handwritten message.

(c) Sending message through “Telefax” which is used to transmit drawing and sketches.

(d) Sending messages through “Television”.


(e) Face-to-face conversation for transmitting oral communication.

(f) Sending of messages through signals.

(g) Sending on message through telephone.

(h) Sending of message through intercom system.