Middle aged customers are those who have made a mark in different walks of life-may be status, caning capacity, marital status. They are in the age bracket of say thirty to fifty years. Even it can differ forty years to sixty years as life expecting is going be increasing as quality of life and life-styles are changing. These customers have to their credit good many achievements, possessions, status, power, respect and above all rich experience. Experience is the stock whether it exists or not. They are finance ministers and the ultimate authorities on making family decisions. Both home ministry and finance ministry decide and the extent of decision influence depends on the strength of finance ministry over home ministry and vice a versa.

The salesman should know that the tactics of customer motivation play constructive role in approaching such customers. The buying motives, especially possession, fear, vanity, price and profit are to be given top priority. Effective sales talks with special touch to the appealing to buying motives clear the hurdle. The requirements of middle aged are more rational-both in product and patronage motive. It is not all that they are belonging to this category. Some are highly emotional in case of both product and patronage motives. These people have wealth, power, authority, practically every thing but are the persons reached the peak of growth where their youth can not come back. They develop health complications slowly. Hence, they are extra-careful. These points are to be picked and encased.