One cannot undermine the importance of significance of pre-approach, as it is a stepping-stone to approach. The significance of pre-approach lies in the following points.

1. Saving in Valuable Time:

For every one time is important. For salesman time is more than money. It is an opportunity to encash on. A person who has enough, classified, dependable information on pre-approach saves considerable time at his disposal only on cementing relations with genuine prospects. I time is not wasted on china eggs. This results in original sales and additional sales done course of time.

2. It builds his Confidence:


A sales person who has upto date information about genuine prospects has increase self- confidence. He develops self-confidence because he is able to win the hearts of prospect and converting prospects into customer. It is an achievement and this achievement bolsters his self-confidence and making him a person to not to look back.

3. He understands the Needs of Prospect:

Pre-approach information that consists of his habits likes and dislikes tastes and professes: go a long way in understanding the needs of prospect. Once, he understands the needs of prospect. Once, he proceeds to convert his needs in to wants. That is, he can appeal to his buying motives in terms of selling points.

4. Greater Success in Sales Interviews:


Collecting and mastering the information about prospects goes in doing a good home wart or ground practice before he enters the battlefield of actual interview with a prospect. A person, who sweats more on the practice ground, bleeds less in the battlefield. That is, he can face the prospect and commit no or least mistakes in sales talk so much so that it is going to be a win-win – interview.